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Table 4 Effect of EGCG on enzymatic antioxidants SOD, CAT, GPx, GST, GR, and G6PD in the hippocampus of control and experimental rats

From: A mechanism underlying the neurotoxicity induced by sodium fluoride and its reversal by epigallocatechin gallate in the rat hippocampus: involvement of NrF2/Keap-1 signaling pathway






SOD (min/mg protein)

12.40 ± 0.37a

13.89 ± 0.29a

8.69 ± 0.19b

10.23 ± 0.18c

CAT (min/mg protein)

68.30 ± 7.09a

69.12 ± 11.37a

38.47 ± 9.31b

54.25 ± 10.09c

GPx (min/mg protein)

11.39 ± 0.45a

12.96 ± 0.84a

7.32 ± 0.21b

10.71 ± 0.43c

GST (min/mg protein)

10.26 ± 0.39a

10.60 ± 0.57a

8.03 ± 0.16b

10.42 ± 0.37c

GR (μg/mg protein)

30.73 ± 6.89a

32.09 ± 6.71a

20.21 ± 4.55b

27.38 ± 0.71c

G6PD (μg/mg protein)

0.63 ± 0.07a

0.53 ± 0.08b

0.48 ± 0.06c

065. ± 0.09d

  1. Values are given as mean ± SD from six rats in each group. a, b, cValues with different superscript letters (a–c) in the same row differ significantly at p < 0.05 (DMRT)
  2. SOD—one unit of enzyme activity was taken as the enzyme reaction, which gave 50% inhibition of NBT reduction in 1 min/mg protein. CAT—μmol of H2O2 utilized/min/mg protein. GPx—μg of GSH consumed/min/mg protein. GST—μmol of CDNB-GSH conjugate formed/min/mg protein. GR—nmol of NADPH oxidized/min/mg protein. G6PD were expressed as nmol of NADPH formed/min/mg protein
  3. aValues do not differ significantly from control and EGCG group at (p < 0.05)
  4. bValues differ significantly from control and drug control group at (p < 0.05)
  5. cValues differ significantly from Fl group at (p < 0.05)