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Plate 2 | The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology

Plate 2

From: Histopathological and biochemical alterations in Eudrilus eugeniae (Kinberg 1867) as biomarkers of exposure to monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in oil impacted site

Plate 2

a–d Histopathological (T.S) effects of BTEX (1/100th 96hLC50) after exposure of Eudrilus eugeniae for 28 da5ys (H&E × 400). a Benzene, b toluene, c ethylbenzene, d xylene. Moderate area of necrosis (N), cellular degeneration (X), cloudy swelling of longitudinal and circular muscles (ZI), enlargement of ectoderm cells (E), dark brown pigment (O), spaces between longitudinal and circular muscles (Z), cellular degeneration with spaces in muscles (XV), enlargement of ectoderm cells (E), moderate area of lesion (L), inclusion bodies (P), Enlargement of ectoderm cells E. a–d Photomicrograph of histological section (T.S) effects of BTEX (1/100th 96 h LC50) after exposure of Eudrilus eugeniae for 28 days (H&E stain, × 40)

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