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Fig. 1 | The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology

Fig. 1

From: Modulatory effect of dry orange (citrus sinensis) peel powder on bisphenol A-induced hepatic and splenic toxicity in rats

Fig. 1

a Photomicrographs of hepatic micro-anatomical structures. (1) Control group illustrating normal hepatocytes and central vein (cv), (H&E × 400). (2) Rats administered BPA (350 mg/kg b.w/twice weekly) showing necrotic area (star), bile duct hyperplasia (3 arrows), hypertrophy portal artery (thick arrow) dilated vein (thin arrow), and (H&E × 400). (3) Rats administered BPA and orange peel powder (12.5 g/kg diet), illustrating the hemorrhage (thin arrow), fibroid with lymphocytes infiltration (thick arrow), and areas markedly improved (star), (H&E × 400). (4) Rats administered BPA and OPP (25 g/kg diet) showing slightly improvement in periportal area, well-developed duct (arrow), and the little apoptotic body (H&E × 400) (5). Rats administered BPA and OPP (50 g /kg diet) illustrating partially improvement, Kupffer cell (3 arrows), restoring hepatocytes with necrotic cells (thick arrows), and central vein wall rupture (2 arrows) (H&E × 400). (6). Rats administered BPA and OPP (100 g/kg diet) pointed out to clarity of hepatocytes regeneration (H&E × 400). b Photomicrographs of splenic micro anatomical structures. (1) Control group capsule of cortex (black arrow) and the white pulp (white stars), red pulp (black star) trabecular, and central artery (white arrow) (H&E × 100). (2) Rats administered BPA (350 mg/kg b.w/twice weekly) showing marginal zones disfaberic (black arrows) fibrotic tissue (white arrow) and dilated vein with hemorrhaged bulge (stars) (H&E × 100) (3). Rats administered BPA and OPP (12.5/kg diet) illustrating PALS atrophy (white star), fibroid bands (white arrow), inflammatory lymphocytes (black arrow), and red pulp reduction (Black star) (H&E × 100) (4). Rats administered BPA and OPP (25 g/kg diet) showing both splenic cords and sinuses malfunction (white arrow), dissociation white pulp (black arrow), and atrophied artery (curved arrow) (H&E × 400) (5). Rats administered BPA and OPP (50 g kg diet) revealing necrotic white pulp (long arrow), atrophied artery (arrow head), and markedly improvement splenic tissue (white + black arrows) (H&E × 100). (6) Rats administered BPA and OPP (100 g/kg diet) pointing out to improvement in pulps, splenic medullary tissue (white stars), and white core rearranged (black star) (H&E × 100)

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