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Table 1 Areas % of NF κB expression on cardiac, splenic, hepatic and renal of animals treated with monosodium glutamate dependent on time

From: Histopathological and immunohistochemical studies on the influence of orally administration monosodium glutamate, a food additive dependent on time in vivo


Level of NF κB

Cardiac (Mm2)

(Mean ± S.D.)

Level of NF κB

splenic (Mm2)

(Mean ± S.D.)

Level of NF κB

Hepatic (Mm2)

(Mean ± S.D.)

Level of NF κB

Renal (Mm2)

(Mean ± S.D.)

Control group

9 ± 3

16 ± 2.2

7 ± 4.1

5 ± 1.2

Glutamate 10 treated group

35 ± 9.5*

44.2 ± 15 *

55.3 ± 8*

39 ± 12*

Glutamate 14 treated group

129 ± 9.16**

173.2 ± 35.5**

93.3 ± 10**

67 ± 13**

  1. (P < 0.05) ** is significant and (P < 0.01) ** is highly significant. Ten animals were used in each group. Data are represented as mean ± SD