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Table 1 Mean survival rate of adult A. fasciculatus in four-food media

From: Susceptibility of processed and stored cassava, plantain, yam, and cocoyam to coffee bean weevil (Araecerus fasciculatus De Geer)

Food media

Survival rate

% Dead Insect

% Live Insect


20.0 ± 0.58a

80.0 ± 0.58c


76.7 ± 1.45c

23.3 ± 1.45a


63.3 ± 0.33ab

36.7 ± 0.33b


66.7 ± 1.45bc

23.3 ± 0.88ab

  1. Each data represents the mean ± 2σ of the three replicates. Mean followed by the same letter in the same column are not significantly different (p > 0.05) from each other by the new Duncan’s multiple range test